Monday, 27 February 2017

The Courtesans and The Voyeur Pt IV

The Courtesans and The Voyeur

Part IV

11. Electrowerkz, London, 18th February 2017

Saturday 18th February 2017

The Courtesans, The Vultures, Leashes 

Electrowerkz, London

FINALLY… it was 04.00 on Saturday 18th February 2017. My alarm clock went off and I was up and out of bed like a kid on Christmas morning, because today, today I was finally going to get to see The Courtesans, but as usual I’m jumping ahead of myself.  

The last time I’d seen them play was Saturday 21st December 2015, which is 1 year 1 month and 28 days or 415 days, not that I’m counting or anything… In that time lots of things have happen to both The Courtesans and me.

Here are just a few of them.

A new logo. Can we have it on a set of button badges please, white double cross on a black background and black double cross on a white background, two badges for £1. Can we also have the logo printed onto a T Shirt too please? Thanks.

I’d love to tell you where this photo was taken but I can’t, well I could but I’d have to kill you, safe to say it has gone where no other Courtesans CD has gone before or since.

Here it is at the entrance to the Bat Cave. The CD only lasted just over a week on the road because it was getting damaged, but in that short time it travelled just under 6,000 miles, which puts it somewhere over America or South East Asia.

Just under 1,000 feet above sea level overlooking the British Jurassic Coast… Jurassic Coast, Saff talking to Mark, there has to be a joke in there somewhere…

Photographic proof (if it was needed) that Agnes is not of this world… PHONE HOME!

My loony but very lovely daughter having a Courtesans/Hollywood sign, red dragon, Star Wars moment. We had so much fun doing it, but it was also such a right royal pain in the arse - we actually haven’t taken it apart, it’s under her bed waiting for more additions this Easter… EEK!

Mark and myself at last year’s Downpour Festival, we really should have phoned each other… Just for the record it was taken during Saxon’s set, they played “Motorcycle Man” Mark turned around and said, “Well, that’s another box ticked…”

As I drove my truck along the side of the runway of RAF Coltishall, I was directed between the Control Tower and one of the main hangers, where on the wall I saw a hand painted image of this. I tried to stop and take a photo on my phone but I was threatened with being shot, so I thought better of it.

The Courtesans and Stampede Press UK did a deal and The Courtesans profile went through the roof, I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if they had joined forces two years ago.

Back to today, my alarm went off at 04.00 by 06.00 I was at work and by 16.00 and over 200 miles later I was leaving work and making my way home.

By 18.30 I was on the way to Cockfosters, oh yeah, I forgot to mention, because The Courtesans had decided to go on stage at 10pm, I couldn’t  guarantee that I’d be able to make the last train out of Liverpool Street Station, so the easiest solution was to drive to Cockfosters, park the car, tube it in, do the gig and then tube it out again on the newly started night tube, presuming I could get back to King’s Cross - without walking, while hoping and praying that the car would still be there when I got back to Cockfosters.

By 19.00 I was parked up, £2.00 until the morning. RESULT!

I rushed into the station grabbed a member of staff and asked for the cheapest return to Angel, which is a very apt station to be heading for to see The Courtesans, £11.60 said the nice man. WTF!? I very calmly replied, “Do you have contactless or an Oyster Card?” asked the nice man, “WTF!?” I said repeating myself.

I showed the nice man my bank cards, turns out I do have contactless cards, “That’ll cost you £6.20” said the nice man. RESULT! Suddenly everything seemed to be coming up me. No. Hold on. That’s not right is it?

20.00 arrived just as I did and together we walked around the corner to the venue.

It was 15 minutes to show time. I walked in and bumped into Howard who was working the door which was great for me because I had loads of questions to ask him. I just battered him, poor bloke. Still, his answers helped explain a few things and trigger off a few ideas for next time.

But why was Howard working the door anyway? How is he supposed to manage when he’s busy working the door? Isn’t that the job of the venue to provide staff for that kind of thing? While chatting to him he would disappear to go and deal with whatever it was he needed to deal with, I almost offered my services, but I thought better of it, I didn’t really want to tread on toes and get ideas above my station. I was starting to get a bad vibe about this.

And then it happened… “I’m on the guest list” said the voice. You’ve got to be kidding me, I thought to myself. Howard then asked, “Which band?” Did he really just ask “Which band?” I continued to think to myself. “[insert band name]” replied the voice. You’ve got to be kidding me, you walk into the room, like you are stepping onto a yacht and calmly announce that you’re on the guest list, to a support band, in a venue that holds 200-ish people… WTF!? Go smell yourself. It’s a good job I hadn’t offered my services, I’d have smacked them in the chops and told them to fuck off before throwing them out onto the street… Guest List… MY ARSE!

It’s me isn’t it? It’s OK you can tell me.

The sound checks for the support bands were running late so off to the bar I went and if it hadn’t been for that I wouldn’t have heard the best one liner this year by a long way, which instantly made me think of Mark, Nick and the Iron Maiden Football Thread Forum.

There was a guy in a Download T Shirt from a few years ago. In walk half a dozen lads, one of which said very loudly, “Download, which year is it?” to which his mate said, “Why didn’t you wear your shirt from last year?” to which he replied, “It’s still wet…” 

On the wall I noticed a large Courtesans poster, it looked so good just hanging there, not one of those hand drawn ones either but a print of the EP cover. Um… But my days of poster liberation have a long time past and I thought it was best to leave it for someone else to liberate (see what I did there…?).

20.50 and exactly 35 minutes late the Leashes start the evening’s entertainment. I’ve seen the Leashes support The Courtesans twice before and even though their noise isn’t for me, and it’s not, I do like their attitude. It’s a four piece band, three of them trying look like complete freaks while the drummer looks like Richard Carpenter (from The Carpenters) which is really ironic because it was Karen Carpenter that was the drummer, in fact she won drummer of the year in front of John Bonham (Led Zep) which is SO funny…

The morale of the story is, on a stage full of freaks it’s the “normal” one who stands out… and more power to his elbow for doing so.

It took 30 minutes to complete their set and by the end of it they had won over at least a third of the room.

Back into the bar area to collect my thoughts, take notes, people watch and hopefully find somewhere to sleep. Somewhere over my right hand shoulder I heard a member of staff say something along the lines of, taking down the posters at the end of the night. Did I hear that right? I looked around without trying to make it too obvious and that’s when I noticed the complete lack of posters and flyers. I hadn’t noticed how sterile the venue was until then, well, I knew something wasn’t quite right, I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

After earwigging more of the conversation I rushed back into the main room, not a poster or flyer to be seen, well apart from the few Courtesans posters, out the corner of my eye I saw a member of staff watching me as I actively went hunting for the said missing posters and flyers, my actions must have looked proper dodgy but I was on a mission and that bad vibe from earlier puffed out its chest and started to shout look at me.

Thankfully the change over between the Leashes and The Vultures was very quick. While that was going on I over heard people comment on the late running of the gig, getting tubes and that poster. I promise you I heard people talking about that poster and rightly so, it looked so good and as I looked around, I noticed at least one of them was missing and I smiled to myself.

Again The Courtesans have provided another stunning support band, The Vultures, how do I describe The Vultures? I’m not sure I can, to be honest I’m not sure how I would even try to begin to describe them. I guess you’ll just have to Google them and if you do you won’t be sorry. I was mesmerised (see what I did there…?). I’m going to check them out some more.

To the bass player, yes I saw you hit yourself in the face with the microphone, it made me laugh and your reaction made me smile. Brilliant stuff.

I’ve been up since 04.00 GET ON WITH IT!!! The change over took forever. I heard people trying to guess the set list, wanting, wishing, they start with that song… or this song… it made me smile… it was just like being at a proper gig.

More chatter about getting the tube, I didn’t need to clock watch too much, all I had to do was get back to Cockfosters, for me the problem was getting from Angel back to King’s Cross because the last tube was at midnight +30, and if all that wasn’t enough, another one of those posters was missing… and I couldn’t pretend it wasn’t bothering me, because it was, once a collector always a collector.

Finally and almost one hour late The Courtesans decide to grace us with their presence do they not realise that I’ve been up since 04.00 and it’s been over a year since I last saw them play. BASTARDS!

By now I’m stage right and leaning on it. The lights go off, total darkness, the crowd scream, the band walk on stage and all stand in position, waiting to pounce, just like an animal at the top of the food chain eyeing up its next victim, except Sinead, there is a massive space where Sinead should be standing. Without panic, Agnes, Saff and Vikki look the crowd in the eye, they stare at the crowd as the crowd stare at them, the intro tape rolls and the band slide gracefully into Scream.

STOP! Shouted Sinead at the end of the song, all the way through Scream the band members were pointing at the desk, wedges, monitors, pointing up, pointing down, obviously it is going very wrong up there on that stage. There was no pretending, you couldn’t hide it if you tried, the band members shouted their instructions towards the desk at the back of the room and my heart sank. Really? What is the point of a sound check if this happens, but on a positive, I love it when this kind of stuff happens, you get to see just how much the band want it and to be honest, I’ve seen bigger bands in bigger venues have exactly the same problem.

Mindfunk, Walsall Junction 10, 25th July 1991, springs to mind, when the band walked off stage for 20 minutes while the crew fixed the problem, before coming back on and pinning everyone to the back of the venue.

Status Quo, Hammersmith Odeon, 31st March 2016, which was the last time I saw Rick play live… three sold out nights and it’s the third night that it all went tits up tonto, I have the official bootleg of that gig and it still makes me smile to hear the chaos going on around them. Go and Google it… Brilliant stuff.

RIP Rick Parfitt

Eventually the band re-start the gig with Liberate, but it’s not working and I’m loving it, just for the record, I was knelling in front of Agnes taking photos and for me the sound was good, it wasn’t brilliant, but it was good, I don’t know where the sound I was hearing was coming from, was there a stage fill under the stage somewhere or just the PA and the angle I was knelling at, but I wasn’t complaining about it. 

The band were struggling so much with the sound there were times it was painful to watch, but they didn’t give up and neither did the audience. There was so much support, love, for the band, it was almost as if the audience wanted it work more than the band did, it almost became a team effort… Did I just write that? Sounds a bit over the top and pompous doesn’t it, I just can’t think of another way to word it. 

Talking of the audience, half a dozen of the Vegan Lesbian Sinead Supports Club had turned up for the gig and had positioned themselves stage centre and on the barrier, “We love you Sinead…” they screamed and shouted, constantly… Yeah, Yeah, we get it, you know the singer in the band, it was just like being back at the school disco and from my own very personal point of view, it was all a bit cringe worthy. Unwittingly what they did was to give Sinead a convenient hook the hang off, while all the chaos of trying to sort the sound out was going on around her, Sinead had a focus, something and someone to interact with and because of that our focus was shifted to their interaction, it was a brilliant piece of stage craft, I have no idea if she did it deliberately as an act or whether it was just a bit banter and bravado, either way, what Sinead did was easily up there with anything I’ve seen David Lee Roth or Blaze do when they were in full flow.

This was my eleventh Courtesans gig and its getting more difficult to write something new or fresh about the band as a band or individually, but there it was, just waiting to be put into print. Long live the VLSSC… 

Irony of ironies the sixth song in the set was a new song “FUBAR” you couldn’t make it up. IT WAS STUNNING! It was an instead fix, I was buzzing my tits off. Remember that Tamworth gig when I banged on about Liberate? It was just like that all over again. It floored me. It was a good job I was already knelling down.

Slowly and surly the sounds problems got sorted out and by the time the gig was reaching the end I’m not sure anyone had even noticed, well not consciously anyway. The Courtesans, being The Courtesans did exactly what I’ve seen them do so many times before, which is simply rise to the challenge. It’s almost as if they court the problems, desire it, need it, crave it, something to battle and fight against.

I’ve missed seeing this band, I really have.

I’m not sure why I started to think we must be near the end of the gig, I just did. By now the room was lapping up everything The Courtesans were offering them, the band was ripping into each song on the set list as if their lives depended on it. My knees were killing me, I’d been knelling down for almost an hour and I really was in a lot of pain. I’m an old man, I can’t be doing this shit anymore and I’ve been up since 04.00 – I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned that…

Feel  The Same, was the fifth song to be played from the EP, well that’s done then, when they advertised the gig as the Better Safe Than Sober EP launch they weren’t joking.

The Courtesans don’t really do normal and I’m not entirely sure if anyone has taught them the rules to the game. For example, you can’t end a gig with a new song, so they didn’t, they ended the gig with TWO new songs… Have I learnt nothing from that Evesham gig on Halloween… HA! HA! HA!

Seriously, just how much balls that take, you just can’t do that, so they did. You can’t end a gig with two completely new songs, so they did. Had anyone in that room heard them before? I hadn’t, and I’m down with the cool cats… init… bro… oh man, ya kno’ what I mean…  Dog…

Between the two songs Sinead then went on the mother of all rants, full on in your face rant, bloody hell fire, I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of her temper, she scared the shit out of me. The Tamworth Terror…

The more I think about it, the more it made sense to end the gig with those two songs, especially the last one, it was actually very clever. Nice one.

Don’t stay away too long.

As for those new songs, I think they will go down as marking a change in the band, nothing to left of centre, noting to radical, just another bit of evolution, and when I look at the set list it isn’t the songs that are on it that I notice, it’s the songs that ARE NOT on it that I notice. The band just gets better and better and if they can keep producing songs like that then it’s going to a long fun filled ride.

After the gig I did my usual staying out of the way and watching. The band did their usual straight to the merch stand to say hello and sign things. I grabbed a set list, liberated one of the last posters still hanging, continued to take notes before I forgot what I’d just witnessed and eventually made my way to the merch to buy another set of CDs.

Two copies of the EP, second pressing, and another copy of 1917, second pressing, but this time it was for me, the only issue I have is that when I played it, it was actually the first pressing, so I have a copy of 1917 with the second pressing cover and booklet but with the first pressing CD. RESULT! All I have to do now get another copy of the second pressing of 1917 with the correct disc before they finally sell out. EEK!

I did say I was a collector.

Even though I’d been up since 04.00 and I’d had a really rough day and I was tired and sober, I positively bounced up the road towards the tube station, I was buzzing my tits off. I love seeing this band, I really do.

My evening drew to an end very calmly. I got to Cockfosters without any real drama, I thanked the tube driver as we passed on the platform. My car was still there and Status Quo thundered out of the speakers on the way home.

Once home I went through the photos I’d taken and started a rough copy of what you’ve just read.

Somewhere after 05.00 I went to bed.

Roll on the rest of the tour…

To be continued…

Noggin xx