Tuesday, 28 November 2023



A Fans Guide To Being On Tour




In many ways this is very similar if not identical to my previous observations.

Just like venues, there are certain towns and cities that are a must to visit, meccas to live music, places that draw you in, their reputation precedes them and if your favourite band plays there, then you simply have to show your face. It’s a non-negotiable part of being a fan. 

On a global scale, places like London, New York City, Los Angeles, Tokyo, and Paris, shine like the brightest of diamonds. *

While at the UK level, London, Newcastle, Glasgow, and Belfast, simply leap from any tour itinerary and are a must to visit. **

These towns and cities are usually university towns and cities, never underestimate the ability of the youth of any nation not to understand the importance of partying like bastards even on a Tuesday night in winter, they have no shame, even in today’s modern world of filming everything and plonking it on social media where it will sit forever waiting to destroy your career before it even takes off. Intelligent? Yes. Common sense? No. Still, it makes for a great night out. 

Just like venues, these towns and cities really are a must for any fan, and just like venues where each performer leaves a little bit of themselves on the stage, another bit of history, that adds to the mystique of the venue, some towns and cities are the same, just like our ancestors visiting stone circles, well worn paths of pilgrimage, so it continues today, whether it be stone circles, religious altars or concert venues, the only thing that changes is the passing of time and shape of the place of worship.

And with any luck, while you are on the road to Damascus you might have an epiphany moment and find a new place of pilgrimage. May the music God’s use Vari-Lites to guide your way.

As a side note, and referring to my previous observations, about corporate whore rebranding of venues. Can imagine if someone went and rebranded town and city names? Now do you get it? Now do you understand the stupidity of it all?

It’s OK. You can admit it. I’m right. You know I’m right. You can stop with the internal dialogue. I’m right. Deal with it and move on with your life, you’ll be saving us both a lot of time.


*&** There are many towns and cities that I could have mentioned but this is not an A to Z in the back of an atlas.


Noggin xx


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